
Go Further Together.


When you need to persuade decisionmakers, manage a fractious team, refocus your group, capture more value, or reach across the table,

Oakbay Consulting can help.


Our Expertise


Whether you are trying to persuade clients to pay you the fees you deserve or asking vendors for a discount, your organization needs to maximize the amount of value it can get at the negotiating table. We can help your employees learn how to gain substance while building long-term, sustainable relationships. 

Conflict Management

How can we disagree without being disagreeable? How can we share bad news in our organization without demoralizing our employees? This training helps participants approach a wide range of difficult discussions with more confidence and capacity for learning. 

Gender and negotiation

Women face unique obstacles at the negotiating table. Our counterparts may hold inflexible expectations that make it difficult for women to negotiate value and build relationships. These data-driven workshops share recent research on how women can be effective in the modern corporate world and how all of us can remove biases from our negotiations. 


It can be difficult to make decisions as a group. Yet we know that bringing together multiple people with differing opinions can lead to new ideas, creative opportunities, and wise guidance. Our facilitation services can help design and lead your meetings to make them efficient and productive. Because our facilitators do not have a stake at the table, they can provide a neutral voice, and they have the skills and experience to channel disagreement into fruitful discussions. We can handle all stages of the process, from identifying key stakeholders, bringing people to the table, facilitating the conversation, encouraging creative thinking, managing dissent, to providing a follow-up report after the meeting has ended.


Suing over a disagreement can be a slow and costly process for both sides. In contrast, mediation can help you make your own choices about how to settle a dispute. Our mediators are trained neutrals who assist you and the other party or parties in communicating more effectively. Mediation is a voluntary process, and in contrast to court, you retain decision-making control. Mediation can be an efficient and long-term method for managing conflict.


Even the most experienced executives need personalized advice and guidance about how to manage conflict, build relationships, and negotiate for more value. Our one-on-one coaching services can help you prepare for any conversation, from a crucial salary negotiation to a tough conversation with your board. We will help you identify common dynamics and pitfalls, share theory with you to improve your ongoing efforts, help you practice and prepare, and assist in your review of the conversation so that you can be more effective.